10 Things I Love.

1) My cell group.
It’s amazing to think that God put us together, five women and four men (four married couples + me), 2 little girls, 1 baby boy (the J man), many more little ones to come and maybe another guy someday. But it feels like home there. It feels long, if that makes sense. Like it’s not just a short investment we are making in each other.

2) Barnes & Noble.
There is something about such a HUGE collection of words that makes me breathe deeply when I enter. I spent about $30 there today, guaranteeing that I have to make dinner at home tonight, but it was totally worth it.

3) My parents.
I ate lunch with them today. And we talked seriously about the future. My future. My plans. What I want to do. And they talked about their thoughts and it is just nice to be in a place where I can see my parents whenever I want to and I enjoy it. They are good people to be around. I’m glad I live in Marietta.

4) Clementines.
My favorite fruit of any season. I wonder if I would love them as much if they were offered all year long. Probably not. Since they are a treat in the winter, I look forward to them; and around Christmas, I begin glancing around the produce section at the grocery store to see if the wooden crates have arrived. Now that they have, I am delighted.

5) Teenagers.
Again, something I sometimes forget. But I’ve been seeing on myspace (why did I learn something from myspace? Sad.) how these kids from East Paulding are grieving the loss of the 2 students who died in a car wreck this week. It makes me appreciate the teenagers I do have in my life and pricks my heart again as I remember how much I miss youth group.

6) God.
Brandon prayed at cell group this morning that God would increase our capacity to grasp who He is. And I remembered that there is so much more to Him than I even know. He is so good and so deep and so wise and so my everything.

7) Brand new books.
And I have 2 sitting on my bed (Soul Cravings by Erwin McManus and The Constant Princess by Philippa Gregory) and as hard as I try, I can not pick out which one to read now.

8) Sunday afternoons.
You just can’t beat this feeling of relaxing with nothing to do but decide which book to read and figure out other ways (besides blogging) to avoid folding laundry.

9) Song writers.
I saw Dave Barnes in concert this weekend (you may remember him from my favorite video ever). Not only was he a good musician, the lyrics he writes are fantastic. I have spent more time reading his lyrics than listening to his music this weekend. I’m a dork, I know. He may be climbing up there with Bebo Norman, but don’t tell Bebo- I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

10) Ice cream.
It’s true.

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