When I moved to Nashville, I had no plans. No idea with what to do with my days.
Except to cry and beg God to let me go home to Atlanta.
[That went well.]
But now I sit here, a writer. A nanny. An employee. A friend. And it’s crazy.
Most recent new title: Help Portrait Events Coordinator.
I know, I went all fancy on you. [Oh, and by the way, I made up that title. I mean, it really is my title, but I just created it and made everyone else deal. with. it.]
Anyways, here’s where things get surreal.
Wednesday, after we left the Fields Museum, I got a voicemail. From Chris at Relevant Magazine. Wanting to interview me about Help-Portrait.
[I died. In a good way.]
So please go with me to that moment.
I’m walking down the streets of Chicago. [I’ve never been there before 2009.]
In a serious snowstorm. [I grew up in Georgia. This is foreign to me.]
Walking with 2 of my dearest friends. [That I have met within the last 2 years.]
Doing an interview for Help Portrait. [That Jeremy just invented in his mind and I get to play along.]
With Relevant. [A magazine I HIGHLY esteem.]
And at one point, as my black jacket turned white with flakes, and I huffed and puffed down the streets of Chicago telling Chris about this amazing project, I just had to stop.
Because while I would have never planned for my life to look like this, God has again overshot my expectations.
By about 100,000 snowflakes.
And HE WILL DO THE SAME FOR YOU. Just ask. That’s all I did- I asked for God to run my life and I asked Him to show me His love. And what He did for me, He will do for you.
I’m sure of it.
HERE is the article for Relevant.
And OMG HERE is an article I wrote for the ONE Campaign.
Can you believe that dorky macaroni-lovin’ AnnieBlogs got published on the ONE Campaign blog?!?
[I know. I died again. In a good way.]