So here are some visual highlights of the event yesterday.
Betsy. She runs my giveaways. Here she is working on my blog or something equally important. She looks very small in this picture. Trust me- it’s a big chair. She is small, but not abnormally tiny. Or abnormally sly, though her face would say otherwise.
All ready to go, after dinner and many quotes from Bon Qui Qui. (Sissy, Marisa, myself, and Meredith) I’m what you might called fair skinned.
Thanks to Caroline, I was so prepared in the clutch department.
The shoes. Here’s the story. I bought the shirt thinking it was black. About 4pm yesterday, I realize it is brown. I have ZERO appropriate foot holders. So I run to Off Broadway Shoes [thank the Lord I actually knew where one was] and purchased these beauts.
But all good things must come to an end. Including the wearing of brand new high heels while still at said party. The pain factor was about an 8 and my tolerance level is about a 4.25. So I took them off for about 30 minutes and carried them with me. This being the result.
Um. Eww. Please know that I took this photo then IMMEDIATELY took a shower to clean them off. I scrubbed those puppies raw. This takes the term “grocery store feet” to a whole new level. That I hope I never experience again.
In preparation for this party, I had quit eating desserts for a while. So I sat down to check email after the party last night and indulged on my very favorite candy bar in the world. And by world, I mean WORLD. These are Twisted candy bars from Scotland. They are like cadbury eggs in bar form. Thank you, whoever invented these. You are dear to me.
The party was super fun. Having the girls over to the house ahead of time was really great- its nice to laugh with people that you don’t have to introduce yourself to first. That’s been a rarity here thus far. I loved Nashville last night.
I also put the groups pics on facebook and I think this text message says it best-
Congrats indeed.