Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it!
I love Laura. She’s someone who has become a bloggy-friend via comments and emails and blog reading time- both on my end and her’s.
Laura spent about six months living in Jerusalem and just returned home in July. Her post about transitioning back home is really touching and gives me a new perspective. I’ve never been a long-term missionary and I’ve never studied abroad, so it is interesting to read what it is like for someone to come back.
And if Jerusalem didn’t impress you, maybe this will. Senior at NOTRE DAME. TWO majors. TWO minors. We might have just found the sharpest knife in the AnnieBlogs drawer, ladies and gentlemen.
So go talk a walk in the bronzed shoe. [I’m punny.] And tell Laura hey for me. And click around this Irish girl’s bloggy home. You won’t be sorry.
Hope you have enjoyed YouBlogs! We are booked up here until the end of 2009. So if you wanna be featured, hang on and another chance will come around in 2010!