I don’t know if you know this, but Heather is what some might call an Atlanta aficionado; meaning that if something rad is going down in the ATL, H is there and dragging us with her. You also could call her my preferred social coordinator, but that seems somewhat demeaning. The fact of the matter is that she finds cool stuff to go to.
As was the case Friday night. Here’s how things play out- Heather finds the cool places, people and things. She sends an email. I usually jump at the chance with the hopes of being a percent cooler than I was prior to said event.
Fine example- Travel Writing Class at Emory University last spring. [I tried to go back and link for you a blog post I wrote about it, but apparently I was so busy travel writing (or “vacation journalism” as it was deemed), that I forgot to blog about it. Sorry. But it looks like Ryan blogged … though somewhat cryptically. We did have a fine time.]
Anyways, so when she sent an email saying that the Theatrical Outfit on Lucky Street would have a one man play about C.S. Lewis I was ALL OVER IT. In the play, one dude would be portraying C.S. Lewis and reading from some of his different books, like The Great Divorce, Surprised by Joy, and The Screwtape Letters.
We went on Friday.
Here are some reasons, in no particular order, why you should go, provided you live in the metro Atlanta area:
#1- It starts at 7:30 and is over by 9:00pm. That’s called “we are considerate of your time”.
#2- They recycle the programs and have those low flush toilets that conserve water. That’s called “we are considerate of your earth.” My new friend [who doesn’t know I exist] Hank Green would be thrilled.
#3- The main actor, Tom Key, is a genius. Totally. I mean, he is capable of acting over 10 different parts by himself on stage and I believed him every time. The scene never changes, the set never changes, the costumes don’t change. Just C.S. Lewis, talking to the crowd, reading from his books, acting out scenes from books. It was awesome.
#4- It’s one thing to read a person’s words. It’s another to have that person (or someone acting like him) say the words to you.
#5- It’s honestly not that much more expensive than a movie. Ok, maybe 2 movies and some snacks, but totally worth it.
#6- Activities like this are like crossword puzzles. They keep your mind working on all cylinders. They keep you alive on the inside. That’s worth 2 movies and some snacks for sure.
#7- C.S Lewis was a real dude with real problems and Tom Key doesn’t hide from that. I appreciate that this play wasn’t a worship service to Lewis, but a true memoir based on life events.
#8- It made me want to read more of his work. Our book club read The Great Divorce but I was pretty sure that even if I read it again and again, I was too dumb to grasp the full meaning. But I think he is more real (and less perfect) than I pictured him, making his writing seem more readable. Of course, I’m not referring to The Chronicles of Narnia. I love them. I mean the big boy books.
#9- It is entertaining, spiritual, and educational. That’s called “the perfect storm”, people.
So, all I’m saying is that this show only runs until Sunday! THIS Sunday the 20th. Seriously, I think you should go. I’ve known you long enough that you can trust me, I know the things you enjoy attending. This is one of those. Go.
H, what’s next?