and I’ll take a week to figure out what to do with it.
Or something like that.
Sweet friends. Thanks for your patience with me this last week. I had a zillion deadlines, including one for a magazine where I HAVE JUST BECOME A MONTHLY COLUMNIST [squealing in my mind because roomie is asleep- but seriously- are you dying? because I’m dying]. I will tell you more, well, when the first one comes out. Oh, there will be a giveaway, my friends. Someone’s getting a subscription. That’s for sure.
And I also had to make some Annie The Businesswoman decisions about my writing career and I had to quiet the voices in my head so that hopefully I only heard the wisdom of God. This is a sick confession, but I almost always have a bloggy voice narrating in my mind exactly how I would write about practically every situation I live. So. She had to shut up.
I *think* I made some potentially really rad (but really hard) decisions for my career. We shall watch and see. Either way, I’ve learned that it’s fun to be brave. Scary, but fun.
I also went to the doctor about my foot and well. I broke it. More on that tomorrow.
I’m missing what became one of my favorite Spring time things the last few years- attending the Mt. Hermon Christian Writers Conference. Looking at my life today, I can totally see why this was a good year for me to take a break, but I’m missing my friends and [Snobby Annie alert] I’m missing my new tradition of Palm Sunday in California and some time with friends in the OC.
Also, while the week flew by, my dear friend Gwyneth blogged about her time in Nashville. HERE and HERE. They are both really fun reads and kinda have the whole town abuzz. I think it’s weird that she didn’t mention all the time we spent together, the laughs, the tears in our beers, the driving around with the top down just livin’ life together. Typical famous stuff. Maybe she’s just trying to protect my privacy. Thanks, Gwenny.
A few girls are headed to Gatlinburg, TN this weekend for a big birthday celebration. Tell me- have you been there? We are looking for a “nice” restaurant for the b-day dinner. [And I put “nice” in “quotes” because I realize that is “laughable” when speaking about the “top redneck vacation spot in the world.”] But if you have been there, help! Where should we go? And what should we do?
Finally [I promise], this is Holy Week. And whether you are a believer or not, there is factual truth to the historic events of this week. My Bible outlines what happened each day of this week, and I’d like to encourage you to read it. I’m going to link you each day so that you can just read it online.
Since we missed Sunday, let’s start there. I’m going to give you all the passages, even if they tell the same story since they are from different perspectives. Read one or read them all- I’m not the boss of you- do what you like.
Palm Sunday:
1. Jesus curses the fig tree
2. Jesus clears the temple
Tomorrow we’ll talk broken foot and Tuesday of Holy Week. Quite an unlikely pair…. or is it? [insert dramatic music here]