It’s like your best friend is on Homecoming Court….

You vote your brains out.

And that is the plan for our good buddy [that we don’t really know] Dave Barnes.

His new music video for “Until You” has the chance to be added to MTVU’s play rotation. Which is such a big deal I can’t even explain it. Actually, I’ll let Brad handle this one too. (He handled the Third Day thing in homerun fashion. He can now fully be trusted as an advisor of all things musical. And life-ical. That’s not a word.)

So GO HERE and vote. Then GO HERE again and vote. Because you can. That’s why. Before Friday. That means today. And tomorrow.

And someday, when you have a video on MTVU, I bet Dave will vote for you. Or if you are ever on Homecoming Court. He’d vote then too. Given the chance. I’m just sayin….

I’m tired.

Wanna see “Until You”? Ok, hang on, let me ask Dave…… He said it was cool with him.

Let's be friends!

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