So I’m about ten minutes from departure. (I’m writing this before I leave, but not posting it until noon. Oh the magic of the internet. It’s like I’m pulling a delayed rabbit out of a hat.)
Sadly, there is an informal blogger luncheon at Chili’s in Charlotte at 11:30am… nope, that’s not going to happen. And that is sad on two fronts-
1. I heart blogging and meeting bloggers.
2. I heart Chili’s.
There is a blogger party at 2:15pm- you KNOW I’m not missing that! Party + blogtalk = thank you sir may I have another.
I’m mildly nervous about this conference- nothing like I was for Mt. Hermon- but I think I’m less nervous BECAUSE of Mt. Hermon. Didn’t the Lord show up in MAJOR ways there? So why would I expect anything different here?
I’m just trusting. And driving.
I again am praying for a friend to hang out with- I’m not expecting a Hermonista repeat- that was a pure gift from God. But I would love to have someone to sit with. Two of my favorite bloggers (BooMama and BigMama) will be there, so hopefully BooMama and I can talk Nashville and BigMama and I can talk shoes. Because I have packed five pair. For three days. Obviously.
I have the added benefit of staying with THE HUNTS! Booyah. I’m so excited about seeing Sam…. oh, and Jake and Melissa, too.
I’m also taking 2 book proposals to pitch- I have a meeting at 1pm and another at 5:15pm (EST) on Saturday. So should you get the hankerin, you can throw up a little prayer during those times.
I’m also praying that I will learn a lot and hear well from the Lord. Wanna throw that up in prayer, too?
This is the first time I’ve gone to any type of writing conference where someone will say, “What do you do for a living?” and my answer isn’t “I’m a teacher who writes.”
Instead, I can say “I’m a full time writer.”
This is what it feels like. Going to Charlotte.
Taking a step. Towards my dream.