The way I got to San Antonio is hilarious. Here’s how it happened. I went to the SheSpeaks Conference in Charlotte. While shopping there with Melanie and Sophie, I decided to go to Deeper Still in Atlanta. Then while sharing blogger brownies outside the Georgia Dome, I decided to go to San Antonio.
I don’t exactly know why. Its not like I have a job with tons of extra cash floating around my life. But everyday I realize I am more and more like my sister than I thought- the girl will pack up and fly to Abu Dhabi to see people that she loves. And that was my motivation too, mostly. Melanie and Sophie have become dear friends and I just couldn’t miss the chance to hang with them again. [More on that tomorrow…]
So I flew there, met some other awesome blog-sistas for the first time (big ups to E-Dub, Robyn, Gayle, Amy Beth, and Cindy!) which was so fun. Another huge blessing was being with Missy again, a dear friend from SheSpeaks. And I am not lying when I say this- I totally teared up when I saw her the first time. I just love her. [I know you are shocked about the tears.]
The Fiesta was great. We took a group picture (one of ten or so), and I labeled it for you. Obviously. You need to know right where my people are.
And bless their hearts, the Lifeway people saved me a seat.
Huh? What’s that? That looks like MY handwriting towards the bottom? Um… I have no idea what you are talking about.
Seriously, I loved the whole conference. Worship was OFF THE CHAIN- in the words of Mel, Travis made me “ugly cry”. It was the most intense worship I have ever experienced at a Beth Moore event. So so good. And Beth’s talks. Good gracious. As you’ll recall, the whole idea of “God is my portion” is my theme right now, so to say I was stunned when that scripture crossed the screen is an understatement. I’m not kidding, y’all, when Beth started flipping us to scriptures on Saturday, I turned back in my journal about a week and had ALL THE SAME SCRIPTURES. It was creepy and cool. croolpy. Or creool? Either way, it ruled.
The Lord spoke deep to my heart. As you can imagine, with my new world and all here in Nashville, I’ve had some pretty-serious-face-down-why-am-I-here- and-what-are-You-doing talks with God. So it wasn’t that the entire concept of the weekend was new to me, though some of it surely was. Its that it was beautifully timed.
I really felt the Lord saying, “You know all that stuff that’s been floating in your head? You know those things you’ve prayed about and are continuing to pray about? You know how you wonder if its Me and if its true? IT IS.“
God flew me to San Antonio to remind me that He and I are in the middle of something big in Nashville.