I wanted to warn you in the title, in case you hate soccer, sports, or the World Cup. Cause that’s all we are discussing today.
Because people, I love the World Cup. Back when AnnieBlogs was just a twinkle in my MacBook’s eyes [so pre-November 2006], I used to be an avid soccer player. And soccer watcher. And soccer enthusiast.
I can clearly remember drooling over Alexi Lalas in 1994 in my parents’ basement, where I camped out for the entire month, only coming upstairs to eat or kick my size 5 soccer ball up against the garage.
In 1998, we were in France AND SO WAS THE WORLD CUP. I didn’t get to go to a game, but I was thu-rilled to be there. And, by the way, France won that year. [Bless their hearts, this year is NOT going so well.]
In 2002, I was in college and we would have friends over at ungodly hours in the morning to watch games. Because the World Cup was in Korea.
I remember dumb things.
In 2006, I missed the US vs. Ghana game- it was a series of unfortunate events involving my mother’s tea shop.
And here we are. 2010. And they are playing in South Africa- a country I called home for 2 weeks exactly a year ago. So watching the coverage is sweet to me. I’m in no hurry to go back, but I did love Capetown.
A few things.
For starters, I have a crush on Modern Technology. If you love the World Cup, there is a killer free ESPN iPhone app that you. will. adore.
I also came across this amazing World Cup schedule that is beyond cool. So play on there if you so choose. [The majority of this website is not in English, so forgive me if something is glaringly offense in another language. I plead dumb on this one.]
Let’s talk teams.
Obviously. We have no choice but the cheer for the USA. We live here. We’re patriotic. And we aren’t going to make it far after we make it to the round of 16, so no biggie. Be a huge USA fan until we lose, then pick a better team.
[I’m not a terrorist. I love America. I just call it like it is, people. Watch the replay of USA v. England- they schooled us, even if the score didn’t reflect that.]
Most of the teams that were predicted to be awesome are losing because of flukey goals or ending up in a draw because no one can put it in the back of the net. It’s been rather strange to watch, but I’m a defender at heart, so low scoring games are great to me- it means my people are doing their jobs.
I love England. They are my team. The players are strong. The country invented the game. Red and white, baby. I also really like the Netherlands- I think they have a great chance. Germany looks scary. I don’t like them, but I respect them. Brazil could end up good, so could Portugal. I dunno. The first round of games didn’t display a ton of distinct forerunners, but I’m thinking the rest of group play will be pretty telling.
Today I will be watching USA at 9:30, hanging with Emily and Rob Blackledge, eating lunch with some girls, watching England at 1:30, then watching this week’s Bachelorette.
I already know. Casey sings acapella. I can barely contain my excitement.
Who’s your World Cup team this year? Are you watching? Have a favorite player or coach? In case you couldn’t tell, I absolutely love talking soccer, so bring it. [I mean, if you wanna. I’m not the boss of you, so I can’t make you do anything.]
Have a great weekend, y’all.