I’m in California.
In case you didn’t know from the instagrams.
I’m so excited to be speaking at the Becoming Girls Conference today and tomorrow – of all my travels and speaking events coming up, this is DEFINITELY the best weather.
I mean. Flip-flops. Sunshine. Warmth. Joy.
Pretty much the opposite of Nashville and it’s eighteen degrees and all I can hope is that a pipe has not busted in my home over in the east part of this continent where the winter of 2013/2014 will go down in the books as PURE MISERY. Luckily a friend is there to make sure my pipes stay unbursted (huh?), but I still feel a little PTSD panic about the whole thing. Just to be clear.
I woke up this morning at Sarah Markley‘s house and said to my friend Anna (who travels with me to make sure I don’t feel lonely and she runs my merch tables and such), “I don’t have bags under my eyes. Beautifully warm California killed my eye bags.”
I think it was a day in the sun. In the warmth. Sitting on a rock at the beach for an hour or ten minutes – I don’t remember – and talking with friends and soaking it all up.
And now I sit at a Starbucks in Temecula, California (which is adorable, by the way), about to head to the conference and we’re having In-N-Out Burger for dinner which seems like a dream life that I get to eat that way and then someone is giving me a microphone to stand in front of teen girls and make them laugh and tell them about Jesus.
So. Not mad over here. Not one bit. Though this seems to be a day where run-on sentences are ALL THE RAGE on the blog.
Thanks for telling your people about the book clubs. Whoa nelly. Almost 200 girls/women have signed up. Would you believe over HALF of them are 18 or older? Cool, right? We’re taking the weekend to think and pray about how to group everybody on Facebook and identify the first twenty in each group for Skyping in the summer.
We’ll be contacting everyone Monday- the book clubs will close Sunday night so we can organize everyone. So jump in now if you want in this semester! We are really REALLY excited about what God is up to- it’s something, that’s for sure.
Have a great weekend, friends. Get ready for Monday’s Road Life post– my travel must-have’s… assuming I remember to photograph them Sunday at the airport. 🙂
What are you up to this weekend?