This is a happy Tuesday in Nashville.
Very happy indeed.
And me thinks you will enjoy all three reasons.
This is the best $7.99 you are going to spend today. Get Barton Hollow by The Civil Wars. Please. It’s like turning on your grandma’s radio in the kitchen. It makes you feel like wearing an A-line dress and writing on a typewriter.
It makes you want to hear it again and again.
Here they are singing the title track, Barton Hollow, on Jay Leno. [Yes, Nashville collectively pooped their pants in excitement the night this happened.]
I love this guy. And the music he writes is insane. That’s the only way to describe it. I remember being in a living room with some musician friends one night and when it was Seth’s turn to play, he sang one of the most heart-wrenching songs I have ever heard. I think the line was something about how being on a plane would be the only time he would be “over” the girl who just broke his heart.
[I just butchered that. But Seth didn’t.]
You should spend $4.99 on Seth Jones EP today. You won’t be mad about it. Great cooking music. [Do you listen to music when you cook? I do.]
Drew and Ellie’s new album comes out next week [don’t worry- I’m remind you], but today they released the video for their song “Fire and Dynamite” and I. Love. It. [And a bunch of our friends are in this video, but my friend Andy wins for looking supes cute at 2:22. He used to be a model. He can’t help it.]
My favorite lyric: “You are a novel in a sea of magazines.”
Sigh… I love Nashville. I love that Nashville talent stretches over the ocean and joins me in the UK.
Hope y’all enjoy these artists. I mean, I’ve never led you astray before, have I? [uh… have I?]