Disclaimer: What you can’t tell from the sunglasses is that most of the time I am looking at the road. I promise.
Here are the two videos I made in the car. It’s kinda stressful to have two big videos due on the same day, so forgive the lack of bells and whistles.
Video #1- with cape. For the Get Fit Challenge. Cause. You know. It’s RUNNING MY LIFE. I mean, my flipcam. [I’ll be honest, I got bored rewatching this video tonight. That’s a long 2 minutes of talking. So don’t feel bad if you get bored. So did the girl in the video.]
On a not-boring note, there’s a new blog post up at the Get Fit Challenge and I would LOVE to hear your input. Yay for the iPhone and its many ah-mazing apps.
Video #2- sans cape. For SheSeeks about controlling your tongue in anger [A little longer than I usually like to make a video. Someone needs to teach me to control my tongue on long boring car rides.]
If you only have time for one video, go for the one sans cape. Because it gave me a reason to type “sans” again.
[Inside scoop: I’m tired of making videos. I miss the words. All the words. So I’ll get back to that soon. Maybe tomorrow. I dunno. Happy Friday.]