Well, this will keep you [ME] up at night and make you [ME] rewrite and reread every talk you [I] have planned for Lake Geneva to make sure that you’re [I’M] not a total tool.
[This video is obviously a parody. But maybe close to true? Sc-uh-air-eeee. Scary.]
Thanks to my awesome friend Missy at It’s Almost Naptime for reminding me of every single thing I don’t want to be. Ever.
Except that sweet girl at the end. I wanna be her.
Youth ministry is hard.
My stomach hurts.
[By the way, I’m not freaked out. I’m just very aware of the weight of the responsibility that all youth workers- be it volunteers or speakers or youth ministers or parents- have, and watching this video was like having someone scream in my face DON’T TRY TO BE A BIG DEAL! And when they screamed in my face, they had bad breath.]
That’s all. Watch the video. Laugh at it. And then pray for people who try to show the love of Christ to teenagers day in and day out.
And… my stomach still hurts.