For the last few weeks, I’ve been calling these “the witching hours” until today when I actually went and read the definition of “witching hour” and yikes.
So these hours shall henceforth be known at The Wasting Hours.
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It seems, that in my new full-time job as an author, I have fallen headfirst into a pretty regular schedule, for better or for worse. It goes a little something like this:
7am: attempt to wake up, think about waking up, realize that there are authors all over this globe that wake up and write genius pieces of literature in the early morning hours, then realize that my alarm isn’t screaming at me anymore.
7:30am — “Seriously, Downs. Move it.” And I shower, get ready, dilly-dally, etc.
morning — Working. Seriously. These morning hours are my jam. Super productive, flying through work, writing stuff about stuff. Listening to classical music.
Also, I tend to have biz meetings in this window. I’m the best biz-Annie at this time, so I can yell “BUY! SELL! BUY!” and “I WON’T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN A MILLION!” and “THAT GRANOLA IS DELICIOUS!” with gusto.
12pm — Honestly, I usually have lunch with friends. Or a friend. Or I make friends with people sitting near me wherever I am eating lunch.
1pm – 2:01pm — Finish my Living Social writing that is due everyday at 2pm. [I write the content on the deals for Atlanta and a few other rando cities around the USA.]
2:02pm-5pm — The Wasting Hours.
5pm-7pm — Hard-working time again. Usually while listening to music with words, I bust through emails, blog posts, and get some writing done.
Then it’s dinner and friends and social life until 10ish, when it is back to writing [if I have more to finish] or to reading before bed.
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But those Wasting Hours. Man. I don’t know what happens to me. Is this normal? Having a mid-afternoon slump like this? Maybe it is because I used to teach school and we’ve been trained since we were five years old to work from 7am – 2pm [school hours] then rest?
The Wasting Hours always sneak up on me. I will be working on something and then slowly my brain starts to drag. I start clicking from one social media site to another and not really be getting anything accomplished. I look up at my computer clock and it almost always says something in the 2 o’clock hour.
It’s like, ahem, well, clockwork.
Here are some things I end up doing during The Wasting Hours:
- Nap. Especially if I am going to working late that night, a nap is just what the imaginary doctor ordered.
- Eat a bowl of cereal. Multi-grain cheerios, please.
- Walk outside. Even if I just go check the mail [which I actually have a PO Box, so this is never my mail], I feel like I’m not wasting my life. You know, during The Wasting Hours.
- Read blogs. This is a great time for me to read other blogs and comment.
- Get lost in the basement of the internet. Tell me you don’t, but I won’t believe you.
- Feel like I’m throwing away my career because I cannot for the life of me get focused.
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Am I a total freak for having The Wasting Hours? Am I a total idiot for thinking I’m the only one who has The Wasting Hours? Does anybody else deal with this? What do you do to get out of your slump?
Teach me your ways, effective afternooners.