So you probably know that one major fad right now is subscriptions to boxes of goodies. My friend Marisa did an amazing job listing out a variety of monthly curated boxes that you can sign up for.
And I will proudly say that I fell victim to the one I liked the most- Birchbox. I am classically slow on the uptake on what is trendy and rad, especially when it comes to beauty products. So paying $10 a month to have a box show up at my house and help me catch up with the trends a bit is quite beneficial. 🙂 I need all the help I can get, y’all. Truth.
With Birchbox, I get a box once a month with a variety of products- some sample size, some full size- that I can try out. [I got my sister Glossybox for Christmas because, honestly, she’s just more glam than I am.] So I thought it would be fun each month to show you the cool little products that I got.
So cute, right? It’s small- about the size of a half sheet of paper. But it holds lots of goodies!
Lots of this stuff I would NEVER EVER buy for myself- but that’s the beauty of it all, isn’t it? I pay $10 a month to get a box of happy delivered to my house with fun products.
I’m saving these eye gels for when I’ve been traveling with Girls of Grace for a few weekends and have the face luggage to prove it.
And this is a full size lip gloss in a GORGEOUS shade called Showgirl Red. [Oops.] I have worn it a few times already and the people like it. [By “the people,” I mean “my friends.”]
And for a gal who loves to not have to dry her mop of hair, I’m so stoked that I have two packs of the Pillow Soft Curls. I’ve been looking for a new way to let my hair go natural, so I can’t wait to try this!
There are a few more things in there, one involving dark chocolate that I already gifted away because dark chocolate gives me migraines. I know. It’s a tragedy.
The box also includes a card describing each item because you know this girl could accidentally use the eye gels on my heels or massage the curl lotion all over my face.
That is SO MUCH STUFF for $10! Here’s what I also think is SUPER cool- if you love what Birchbox sent you, they set up a page on their website that shows exactly what came in your box and how to order the full-size versions!
Yay for my December Birchbox! Check it out and jump on board if that feels like a fun way to spend $10 each month. I can’t wait for January to arrive! Next month, I’ll have time to try some products before I blog about it, so I’ll let you know what I think!
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Do you get a monthly curated box? Or have another favorite? Share with us!