Get it? Cause I’ll be at the Grammys? Gram-MEs? Oh, and some legitimately famous people will be there too. Obviously.
But just in case you needed a reminder [I bet you didn’t because hello I can’t quit talking about it], watch the Grammys tonight and let’s keep our fingers crossed that Lady A wins both Grammys that they are up for!
And let’s keep our fingers crossed that I don’t:
- fall down
- tear my dress
- tear someone else’s dress [it could happen. don’t put it past me.]
- trip in the high heels
- frown on camera [if they don’t win]
- scream like a maniac [if they do win]
- pass out [wouldn’t that be horrible??]
I can’t wait to recap the whole experience for you. But for today, just keep up with me on twitter. Cause when there is a Justin Timberlake sighting, I’m gonna tweet that junk for realz.