Recap posts. I like them. And you are welcome, I took a lot of pictures this weekend.
First, let me say, I am absolutely in heaven being a part of Girls of Grace. And the Point of Grace women are so kind to me and I’m pretty sure we’re gonna be friends forever. The crew and speakers and artists are all somehow becoming family and you know me well enough to know that I’m beyond excited about it.
So. There’s that.
Lesson learned: Give God permission to guide your life and watch Him dream bigger than you ever could imagine.
Now to the pictures. 🙂
1. The day started out so great. Meredith Andrews is a killer worship leader. I adore her.
2. This event was super special to me because there were some amazing special guests there. Chriscynethia, one of the Zondervan folks who is majorly responsible for this whole book + speaking dream coming true, got to come to the event. I saw her, hugged her like she was my long lost sibling, and cried as I told her how many of my dreams have come true in 2012… many thanks to Zondervan.
So. Forgive the cry-ish face on me. It’s hard when you come face to face with a dream enabler.
Also, as I told you last week, my cousins came to the event too. It means a lot when you know there is family out in the crowd, and I knew it. And it was so sweet to see them.
3. Blanca from Group 1 Crew did some “unique” and “hilarious” modeling of the new fashionABLE scarves. Yes, in her hair. I was laughing, y’all. Laughing so much.
4. No kidding, I got to stay in the most adorable hotel. I loved.loved.loved. the colors in the room. What you can’t see is that to the right is a desk and a perfectly teal wall. So cute.
5. Let’s talk about the bus. Because y’all, I loved it every bit as much as you probably guessed. But, I was kind enough to warn everyone that I was JUST A BIT EXCITED and I LOVE WHEN MY FRIENDS ARE TRAPPED TOGETHER and LET’S CUDDLE AND TALK ABOUT LIFE.
[Just kidding. I didn’t cuddle.]
These are some of the gals that traveled together- Amber and Katie. There were 12 of us total, which is convenient since there were twelve bunks.
And then Amber grabbed the bunk right across from me and we giggled and whispered and both read our book club book until we snoozled through the night and at 3am on Sunday we arrived back in Nashville.
That’s the real size of a bunk, by the way, like a glorified coffin. It comes with a pillow, sheet, and a blanket. That white box is a DVD player. What you can’t see is the curtain you pull and button closed so that your sleeping habits aren’t viewable to every human on the bus.
[You can see the curtains on my very favorite Lady A webisode. As you’ll see, their bunks stack two high. Our bus was three high, so each bunk was a bit shorter.]
So there’s my weekend in review- talking about Jesus, visiting cool cities, traveling with friends, giggling in bunks.
How was your weekend?