This TOP 5 FRIDAY from April of 2011 remains my absolute favorite. Check back on the original post for over 100 comments of favorite books and then add yours here today!
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I truly hope you read through the comments of last Friday’s TOP 5 Friday post about most loved songs. People have some GREAT comments. And yes- I did purchase a few of these. It’s just true. I love music.
Also. I love books.
So today our TOP 5 Friday list is FAVORITE BOOKS!
[caveat: this does not include my favorite childhood books. These are my favorite adult books. But not like, ADULT books. I mean books that I have read as an adult. Okay… I think I have fully overexplained this now.]
[caveat part 2: When you and I talked one time, I may have said, “This is my FAVORITE book!” and then that book is not listed here. Please feel free to call me out in the comments. I studied my bookshelf as best I could.]
#1. Christy by Catherine Marshall
Oh y’all. This is absolutely my favorite book. But I told you that back in 2008. I have read it over 40 times. [I know, I’m a book nerd. Sue me.] This book sealed in my heart my desire to teach school, which I did for five years. It also put a deep love in my heart for Appalachian people. But I told you that back in 2009.
#2. Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen
I’ll be honest. I’ve loved this storyline for many-a-year, thanks to a mother who exposed us to BBC productions at a young age. But it has only been within the last year or so that I actually read the novel. And gracious I loved it. It is too far to say “I needed it”? [I mean, for me to be overdramatic is nothing new around these parts, so let’s go with it.] Fantastic. I would love to read this out loud to my daughters one day.
[I bet Lanier’s mom did- didn’t she, Lanier?]
This book single-handedly changed how I do business. How I do blogging. How I do my life as an author. If you run your own career, or if you run someone else’s career, or if you have any kind of group that listens to anything you say, read it.
#4. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
This was hard for me- I love A LOT of Francine Rivers’ books. So it took me some time standing in front of my bookshelves to decide which one I REALLY love. Here’s the truth- if you close your eyes and pull a Francine Rivers’ book of a shelf at the library or your bookstore, you won’t be sorry. But this was one of the first ones I read, so it holds a special place in my heart.
[But seriously. I could do a whole TOP 5 Friday on Francine Rivers’ books. And I just may do that.]
Dave Barnes told me to read this book and I said, “Uh, Dave? I don’t like animals. So no thanks.” And he said, “I’m the boss of you. Now do as I say.”
So I did.
And it blew me away. I absolutely loved it. In fact, I was reading it while on a quick trip to Chicago to visit Lyndsay and crew and I seriously carried it with me EVERYWHERE. To the point that my friends began to feel unloved and unsure of my coolness. [To which I quickly reminded them that I am SIGNIFICANTLY less cool that I lead people to believe, so that part was true.]
I highly recommend it.
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Let me take this quick moment to remind you about YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY! You are welcome to buy these books as a five-pack and live it up, but also remember that your library probably has them as well. I love the library. I love to go there, sit there, read, peruse, and I actually use the online system to order books I want, so I don’t even have to search for them. Fantastic thing, technology is. 🙂
Now. Your turn! In the comments, tell me your TOP 5 FAVORITE BOOKS!
[I’m so nervous about this because I KNOW I’m going to want to read each of them. Ugh. I’m pre-annoyed with myself for not having enough time to read them all.]