It’s Teen Read Week, put on by the American Library Association.
I love libraries. I frequent mine here in Nashville. And I’m ashamed to admit that for the first time in 32 years, I lost a library book. I know. Devastating. I’m going to pay for it today. Whah whah.
My grandmother was a librarian. I wish she could shelf my book. I bet she would think that was really cool.
[Speaking of really cool, Booklist Magazine, a huge resource for librarians, just gave Perfectly Unique a killer review that will be in the November issue! Here’s a piece of it….
Young women who are concerned about developing their internal character and becoming stronger Christians will gravitate to this beautiful and breezy title that deals with serious issues in a compassionate manner.
Um. HUGE compliment!! My grandma would freak about that too.]
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If you have any teens in your life, I wanted to offer a list of a few of my favorite books for that age bracket. Not all are Christian, and because I am a total prude I’m going to give them a rating, just so you know.
The Hunger Games Trilogy Boxed Set — I think this would be a great Christmas gift for teen girls or guys in your life. There’s some serious violence, so this probably rated PG. But great writing, fascinating storyline, you probably know all of this already okay moving on.
Graceful – Emily Freeman really gets to the heart of what many teen girls are struggling with in this book. Rated G, this non-fiction will really bless your gal.
I Am the Messenger – Such smart writing. Rated PG [best I can remember]. Our book club of adults loved this, but it is young adult fiction.
The Fault in Our Stars – It’s no secret I’m a huge John Green fan. This book has a sex scene in it between two teens, so it’s def PG13. But the writing is really really strong and the story is beautiful.
Jesus Calling– many of my small group girls are devouring this. Such a great devotional. Rated G. Duh.
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness– Andrew Peterson is absolutely one of the most creative writers I’ve ever read. All three books are Rated G and if you are looking for a series that is 100% addicting and awesome, this is it.
Those are just a few of my current faves. There’s lots of cool stuff going on over at the Teen Read Week website, so I highly suggest you check it out. I’ve gotten to read so many cool blog posts about YA Authors and YA books. No joke, my request list for my local library is growing rapidly. 🙂
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To celebrate Teen Read Week, I want to giveaway some copies of Perfectly Unique!
Just leave a comment with a book suggestion for teens and you’ll be entered to win. Two people will each get TWO autographed copies of Perfectly Unique. So you can keep one and give one away or you can give them both away!
You have until Sunday afternoon to enter to win.
Then I’ll randomly pick two winners, sign the books, stuff them in envelopes full of glitter [per usual] and send ’em your way!
Can’t wait to hear your book suggestions!