I want to say AWESOME. Oh. So. Awesome.
But my friend Harry from Scotland would not approve.
Not one little bit.
Harry is the coolest Scottish guy you don’t know. You want to know him, I’m sure. He was the cook at our summer camp in Scotland in 2007 and late one night he stormed into the counselors’ hangout room and, through gritted teeth, pretty much told us that we were WAY too loud.
[It was totally my fault. My voice is abnormally loud.]
And even though getting in trouble is my #1 fear, somehow we survived that and Harry and I have been friends ever since. Now he and his wife Anne are like family to me. I adore them.
Oh silly me. You already know Harry. He took me to the Glasgow Rangers game. Duh.
Anyways, he says I should erase AWESOME from my vocabulary.
I wrote about it over at (in)courage today- the importance of Saving Awesome.
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In other news that is close to awesome but not awesome because I’m not supposed to use awesome:
I posted on (in)courage’s Bloom Book Club yesterday some encouraging words for small group leaders and let them know about the free leader’s guide that goes along with my book. And my gracious those leader’s guides have been FLYING off the AnnieBlogs’ shelves. [If, you know, inside the blog guts there were actually shelves. Pretend there are- I think that’s cool.]
No kidding- HUNDREDS have been downloaded. WHOA to the max. I did NOT see that coming. I can’t wait to hear how small groups use the resources in the guide. It’s almost awesome.
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Also- my amazing blogboss Lauren has made it possible for me to respond to comments INSIDE the comments section [you can do it too]. So you can look there to hear from me- should be better than my inbox backing up like Atlanta traffic and you thinking I hate you because I haven’t responded to you in days weeks. It’ll look like this:
It gives you a little face smash, but no biggie. It’s like a massage- it may hurt at first, but it’s going to feel great in the long run. Anyways, so look there to hear from me [and other bloggites that hang here] after you leave a comment.
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And finally, in the as-close-to-awesome-as-you-can-get category, my friend Rock.
Yep, his name is Rock. [Nashville is that trendy, people. Deal with it.]
I’ve started a little photography series with Rock.
First up: Rockin’ Shades. Rock In Shades.
Second: Rockin’ Chair. Rock In Chair.
I don’t know how many more of these I can think up, but I’m seriously on a roll…. a Rock n’ Roll.
BOOM. You. Are. Welcome.
Leavin’ on a high note. See y’all tomorrow.