I had a total other plan for this blog post today. But then last night was just one of those nights that you think you’ll never forget but you want to make sure you don’t by blogging about it.
And so I shall.
It has been exactly one year that I’ve been serving with Cross Point‘s college ministry. It is absolutely one of the joys of my life. I can’t believe it has only been a year – my small group, my Vandybros, the other leaders- it’s feels like my life has always known them. I think, somehow, my heart has.
This semester has been great but also challenging for our leadership team. Thankfully, last night seemed to be just what we needed to remember why we do what we do.
So better than my words, I want you to see them. And see what I love…..
I love my small group girls who show up early to greet and pass out nametags.
I love how they worship when they are together.
I love standing by my VandyBro Will. He says I’m his favorite blogger. I say he’s my Favorite Will. So that worked out well.
Also, one time he said, “It’s like you’re a cool big sister. Or grandma.”
Something in me that still felt young died that day.
[Also, I’m standing on a chair. He’s not the shortest baseball player in the history of the SEC. Worry not.]
I love how they love each other. Sigh. This moved me.
I love how our pastor’s kids felt welcomed and loved by the college students.
I love how our leaders set the tables for dinner while the students worshipped.
I love how they all sat together to eat and share and laugh.
I love how our worship leader stepped off the stage and immediately began serving drinks. I mean, seriously, y’all. Isn’t that beautiful? [Also, how adorable is that couple in the front? They’re engaged. We love them.]
I love that all five members of the Whittaker family spent HOURS designing and setting up the holiday decor. The room was super beautiful.
I love Minute To Win It games… including making Favorite Will gift wrap a cooler and my girl Koula wrap a lampshade. Hannah and Sara Kate got off easy- a tambourine and an umbrella. Will won. Obvi.
I love making people do ridiculous things for a laugh, like moving a cookie from forehead to mouth without using hands.
I love those little Whittakers.
I love our leadership team.
It was just one of those nights- where the students felt loved, leaders were all smack in the middle of their serving sweet spots, volunteers brought us tables and tables of food, Cross Point staff members hung out and were all hands on deck, and Jesus was the center of it all.
You know what it felt like? It felt like our whole church stopped to love on the college students. I’m just a puddle about the whole thing even as I’m writing about it today. It meant so much.
And now?
Now they take finals. And I laugh at their lives because I never have to take a final again because, according to Favorite Will, I’m a grandma.
Have mercy.