One year. That’s how long I have been living dairy-free.
Actually, to be fair to myself, it’s been 13 months. Trust me, I count the days without cheese.
(For those who don’t know, I have PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I told you about it here and I’ve written about it here.)
But the last few months, while being totally dairy free and mostly gluten free, I haven’t necessarily been healthy. With a fairly insane travel schedule and a less than enthusiastic view of salad and exercise, I’m still not as healthy as I want to be. This is not necessarily a weight conversation, though that is affected by how I treat my body and what I put into it.
One of the best things I’ve learned over the last year is that how my insides feel is far more worthy of attention than how my outsides look.
So the holidays were fun and the winter has been a ball of stress and I feel terrible. (Not emotionally, per say, but physically.) My headaches have increased, I want to be napping all the time, and I pretty much can’t get enough sugar in my system to satisfy. (Though, believe me, I have tried.)
You’d think that not eating dairy or gluten would be enough for my body, but no bueno. Seriously, this shell of mine is THE MOST STUBBORN THING IN EVER.
And then a friend reminded me that PCOS Diva does a JumpStart Program a few times of year. I’ve thought about it before, but never made the jump…. start. (Woof. Terrible joke. See? My poor health is even AFFECTING MY HUMOR!)
But on Monday, we kick off. Well, to be fair, since I signed up a few weeks ago, I have been reading and planning and doing the assignments given for the time before the week starts. (The JumpStart is based on a cool online teaching system called Ruzuku. Trust me, I’m brainstorming every way to try to use this platform.)
My main goal for participating? I want to be the healthiest version of me possible. My schedule and and my ministry and my hopes and dreams of my future (wife/mom/superhero) require that I care more about my future than I do the unhealthy options in front of my face.
So we’ll spend a pretty intense week getting all things in order in hopes that it will recenter my eating and activity so that I have all the energy I need for this life I love.
PCOS will not win over here, people. You can bet on that.
Will you pray for me next week? That God would do all the things He wants to do in my body and in my life?
(And as a matter of accountability, I’ll blog about the program and all my feelings on April 3rd, after the week is finished and I’ve returned home from a speaking event in Orlando.)
The best part so far?!? Within the class I’ve signed up for, you can chat with other participants. Just today, someone commented on the system that one of YOU told her about me and PCOS after she was diagnosed! I’m so stoked about that. So I hope if you have someone in your life that you love that is a PCOS gal like me, you’ll share this with her.
Have a great weekend, friends!