That Sounds Fun Podcast Episode 10: Looking For Lovely


We are back in action, people.

And I am thrilled about it.

This is episode 10 of our That Sounds Fun podcast, but actually the 11th one because Barnes got a two-parter, and they are all here for your listening pleasure.

Today’s podcast is all about Looking For Lovely! I tell some behind the scenes stories, where the book idea came from, what I actually sat down to write (NOT this book) AND I read the entire first chapter!

You can download it on iTunes or you can listen here!

Once you have listened, please leave a quick review of the podcast on iTunes. It makes a ton of difference to the strangers who pass by and wonder if this is a cool place to hang.

Also- if you haven’t purchased your copy of Looking For Lovely yet, today feels like a good day for that! Right?

Doesn’t it? 🙂

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