31 Books: From Blah To Awe (Book #24)


blahtoaweFrom Blah To Awe

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Jenna Lucado Bishop

(You can read more on her website or follow her on Twitter or Facebook!)

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What the book is about:

Everyone, especially teenagers, struggles with being bored with God from time to time. Sometimes church services and Bible reading don’t seem that exciting, and it’s easy to get busy and not make time to pray . . . but when this happens, we are missing out!

Jenna Lucado Bishop shares her testimony and others’ stories to see what a radical, living relationship with God looks like. But this book is not just based on feelings. The Bible gives steps that will help girls hunger and thirst for more of God.

This book will not only offer girls a fresh perspective, but it will also help them do a little soul-searching and discover where they are in their own lives. Plus, it will let them in on the world’s greatest secret—that the Creator of the Universe loves and cherishes them deeply and that a fulfilling relationship with Him is the most exciting they will ever have.

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Why I like it:

I love the idea of asking teen girls to dig into their faith and what it means when everything feels boring in their church life. What Jenna does in this book is really peel back the layers of what we see in our own lives and asks to reader to look more deeply into what is going on in the heart. It’s a great read for any age young woman- from the early teens to the college. I’d also really suggest this book for small group study.

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Buy it here.

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