Last night I went to the Ryman. Which. I’m gonna say. Is quickly becoming my favorite venue. Ugh. It’s awesome. And who played at the Ryman? My Grammy date Hillary and Lady Antebellum. It. Was. Insane. Couldn’t have been more fun.
You know who else I saw play at the Ryman recently?
Dave Barnes. and. Matt Wertz.
And guess which two of my favorite Nash-dudes put out new music in the last few weeks?
Dave Barnes. and. Matt Wertz.
I just downloaded Dave’s album myself and I already can’t. get. enough. And Matt’s EP? It is absolutely springtime approved: windows-down-music-up-stress-down-thumbs-up kinda stuff.
And guess who is going to get a copy of Dave’s new album and Matt’s new EP?
You. and. You.
Just head over to the giveaway page – I’m giving TWO of you TWO albums. I know. It’s crazy. But you know how I feel about weekends. I just can’t resist. And it’s daylight savings. So I thought you should save. Get it?
The giveaway is open until Sunday night at 9pm CST [cause I go to bed at 10pm. Don’t judge me].
Of course. I haven’t *exactly* figured out how to get the downloads to the winners, but surely I can figure that out before my bedtime on Sunday. Even if I have to mail you $15 via USPS, we’ll work it out, don’t you worry about that.
If you don’t believe in entering giveaways, or maybe you just personally hate free stuff, here’s where you can buy the albums.
Dave Barnes. and. Matt Wertz.
[Sidenote- this giveaway was not endorsed, ie- the boyz didn’t pay me to do this. I just thought it would be fun. Amen.]
Now, get outta here and go win you some new music!