Sweet friends,
Tomorrow is the day. The day that Speak Love releases out into the world.
And I could really use your help.
You know I have been hopes and dreams for this book, but I am aware that without you guys, I don’t think we can get there.
It would mean so much to me if you would talk about Speak Love this week.
Here’s what that could look like:
– Post a link to Speak Love on Facebook and encourage your friends to buy it this week
– Tweet a link to Speak Love so that your follows will see it
– Send an email to any youth pastors or college pastors you know and share with them a link to Speak Love.
– If you ordered a copy of Speak Love, once you receive it, will you post a picture of you and the book encouraging others to get it? Maybe on instagram?
– The pre-order swag will still be up for today, so if you haven’t ordered a copy or twelve yet :), do it today!
I’m sure you can think of other ways to spread the word. Would you please do it? This week is important- the amount of eyes this book can get in front of in one week, THIS WEEK, makes a huge difference. The goal? There are LOTS of people that you know that I don’t know. And the only way they are going to hear about Speak Love this week is if you tell them.
Will you please?
I’ve been biting my nails for a week and a half solid, I got the hiccups Sunday night just because I am stressed and nervous, my website seems to be broken and not working, and all the sudden, even though Zondervan and I are doing so.much.work. and we are full of hustle, all I can list in my mind are ALL THE THINGS that we haven’t thought to do and ALL THE THINGS we should be doing to make sure teen/college girls get a hold of this book.
[Run-on sentences are the opposite of my finger nails. Long.]
“Peace I leave with you,” I hear Jesus say, “My peace I give you.”
“I do not give to you as the world gives.”
“Do not let your heart be troubled, Annie, and do not be afraid.”
I hear Him in John 14:27 and in my heart.
So, I’m trying. 🙂
Tomorrow will be exciting, not scary. Tomorrow all will go as God has planned and whether seven people buy Speak Love or seventy billion people, the right hands will hold it. Of this I am sure.
Thank you for your help. Thank you for telling your world about this book. As I keep submitting my soul to the peace of God and trusting, I am whispering prayers of thankfulness for you guys walking this road with me.