TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday.
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Tomorrow morning is a big day in Scotland.
At 8:30am, Scotland takes on England for a massive World Cup rugby match. Scotland has to win by a large chunk [4 somethings… not points, not goals, but 4 some-measurement-of-success] and apparently England is very very good.
And here’s where things get crazy fun — our Crossroads friends are all getting together to watch and cheer and hope to see Scotland get those 4 thingys they need to win.
The host is offering bacon rolls.
Because I am my mother’s daughter and I believe in a well rounded breakfast, I will be bringing fruit salad. THIS fruit salad.
I love fruit. Fruity fruit fruit. Here it goes down. Down into my belly. [You’re welcome, Anchorman fans.]
So for today, let’s talk about it!
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1. Bananas
I am one of those people that has a special love for bananas in any form. Greenish, yellowish, or brownish. Frozen, chopped, or smooshed. In breakfast, with lunch, or dessert. You say banana, I say gimme.
I would never claim this to be the healthiest of fruits. But it is better than a chocolate bar so get off my back, healthy fruit police.
2. Blackberries
I remember being about 10 years old and we were on vacation with my cousins. My aunt led a bunch of us hooligans down to a blackberry patch where we picked basketfuls and then made pies. That day began a long-lasting nostalgic love of blackberries. I really love the tart flavor, but I mainly love the vision in my head of walking to the patch in the heat of the summer and seeing later the pies set on the windowsill.
Well, I’m sure I’ve told you before that orange juice is my drink of preference. I mean, I would drink a gallon a day if I wasn’t a self-control machine [yeah right]. But seriously, I do limit myself to one gallon a week. A GALLON. A WEEK. My heart beats for OJ. And oranges. I love eating them too, straight out of the fridge. I also am partial to orange flavored candy, but who wants to talk about sugar when we’re talking about fruit? [cue the laugh track]
[Literally. The picture makes me thirsty. I have a problem.]
4. Pineapple
I remember watching a cooking show and the host said, “don’t be intimidated to cut your own pineapple.” And I was like, “you don’t know me!” but then I realized that she was right. I was scared. So I watched and learned and I’m proud to say that I can beautifully cut my own pineapple whenever necessary. And I love to do so.
[Just FYI, this picture is terrible. That pineapple is cut by someone who is intimidated. This slicing is NOT endorsed by]
5. Green grapes
A staple in my life. It was only when I went off to college and had to purchase my groceries for the first time that I learned that grapes are bought by the pound and LORDY THEY CAN BE EXPENSIVE. But I love them frozen in the summer and for the rest of the year, I like to keep them in the fridge as a quick lil snack-ee-poo.
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What is your favorite fruit or favorite fruity recipe?
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P.S. – Tomorrow is October. And this starts tomorrow. Get ready, people. It’s gonna be a fun month.