Sorry it’s been a few days, friends.
I spent the weekend in Kansas City for the wedding between one of my favorite dudes (Jules) and the sweetest girl, Bethany. The fun times did not stop. I laughed, heartily, multiple times. The wedding was gorgeous- as soon as my technology quits revolting against me, I’ll upload some pictures and show you.
And hanging out with my friends. Oh. It was such a great weekend of people who have known me for a long time and love me anyways.
Okay. And speaking of revolt, I had tons of time to blog yesterday until I had the most unbelievably frustrating vlogging experience of my adult life. Truly. See, this cool Nash-blog called OnNashville has different bloggers talking about Nashville each day in April. So I decided to make a blog video about the patios in Nashville.
Should have been easy, right? I make videos all the time. Should be short and sweet and fun.
Here was the projected timeline-
- 2pm-4pm : film video
- 4pm-6pm : edit video
- 6pm : email the link, take a bow and applaud myself
And here was the actual timeline:
- 2pm-5pm : film video [no big deal- taping sometimes runs long]
- 5pm-6:30pm : try to transfer pictures from camera to computer [total fail] then from to friend’s computer to my hard drive to my computer to iMovie.
- 6:30pm : insert an almost complete breakdown at this point. I could feel my systems shutting down and my emotions freezing. It was a lot of things, including NOT AWESOME.
- 6:30pm-7:30pm : friends talk me off the vlog cliff and I continue to transfer clips
- 7:30pm-11:30pm : upload and edit
- 11:30pm : realize I should probably ask Dave before I use his song, so I do. He says yes. Luckily. Cause the video was already done.
- 11:30pm : upload video, but the quality is horrible.
- 12am : lay down in the bed, computer by my side, and frown
- 12:15am : can’t sleep cause of vlog fuzziness issues, upload higher quality video that will take over an hour. So I set my alarm and snoozle.
- 1:30am : wake up and email correct link to video. Decide that applause is not necessary.
So. 11.5 hours for a 5.18 video?
Impressive. Or amateur. Sheesh.
HERE’S THE LINK TO THE VIDEO – The best 11.5 hours of my life…. or something like that. I hope you like it. I do.
Not as much as I like Dave’s new video. Wowsa. I could watch it over and over again.
GOD GAVE ME YOU VIDEO. Watch it. Share it. Love it.
See y’all tomorrow.