I know I know. It’s Friday and I should have a Top 5 Friday.
But I made a video and I wanted to show you that video.
Cause it’s my bloggy and I’ll vlog if I want to… vlog if I want to… vlog if I want to.. you would vlog to if it happened to you.[That last part doesn’t make tons of sense, but I couldn’t figure out how to change the lyrics to the song… sorry.]
As always, I’m about to preface this thing to death.
1. I don’t have a high-def video camera. Sorry.
2. I know I look the same in this video as I do in this post. Same day. No shame there.
3. This really is in hopes of THANKING YOU for all your support and love during this season in Edinburgh.
4. You may have to watch it a few times to catch all the words… because of the accents. For example, Taylor says, “cause that’s what Annie needs… an ego boost.” It’s a good joke, but it may be hard for your American ears to hear. 🙂
5. I think that’s all.
Can I say it again? THANK. YOU. I feel your prayers with me constantly and your words of encouragement have helped me tough out the hard days. I am so grateful to you and for you and for this season in Edinburgh.
. . . . .
Anything else y’all wanna see before I leave Bonnie Scotland at the end of the month?