
So. I’m super dee-dooper excited about this new segment of AnnieBlogs.

Here’s the motivation for what is about to transpire:

1. You know me. You come here and read about my crazy life. You come to Nashville and we grab lunch.

2. I know a lot of you guys- you leave comments, we email back and forth. It’s cute, isn’t it?


3. I want you to know each other. Because many of you would probably really like each other.

So. I’m gonna help you out.

Each week, I’m going to feature one of you bloggers/commenters- “YouBlog”, that’s what we’ll call it. That way, you guys can get to know each other and maybe be best friends forever. [I can dream, can’t I?]joanna

So the first blogger I’m going to feature is my sweet bloggy friend Joanna. [Catch the title there? JoannaBlogs? Funny, right?]

Joanna writes open and honestly and I enjoy her blog mucho. You probably recognize her name cause she is a faithful commenter.

This is my favorite post of her’s – Wordful Wednesday. It’s long, but totally worth the read. So swing over to her blog and tell her AnnieBlogs sent you. After all, y’all may end up being totally best friends forever.

Yay for YouBlog! I hope you guys think this is as fun as I do….

Hey you local yokels- wanna be featured one week as the YouBlog-ger? Just email me at annieblogs [at] gmail [dot] com and put “YouBlog” in the subject line. Or leave a comment. I don’t know… just get in touch with me. 🙂

Remember this is just for bloggers. I love all my readers- and I have other plans coming down the way for you non-bloggers. Don’t hate, just wait. 🙂

Let's be friends!

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