Thank you, Brooke, for making me do those extra calf raises this morning even though I was a wee bit whiny and teary. [I’m sore from the ears down.]
Thank you, Annie P, for dreaming so big that you leave my mouth hanging open. I am fully jealous of your skillz and when you are a regular performer at the Bluebird, I’m going to punch the table and say, “Why couldn’t You let me write like THAT Annie, God?” And I’m going to be so proud of you. [Then I’m going to order another drink. And some brie.]
Thank you, Hollie, because today I laughed longer and harder at Baja than I planned. [Burritos are hilarious.]
Thank you, James, for letting me cry over hurt feelings. [Someday I will understand boys and you will say “I told you so” and I will say “I know you did” and you will laugh in my face and then shake my husband’s hand and say, “Good luck, sucka.”]
Thank you, Dillard’s Dept. Store, for taking that shirt back. It was too expensive and a poor choice for my current income bracket. [But I will be the first to confess I looked HOT in it.]
Thank you, Lady Antebellum, for being so freakin’ good at what you do. Good gracious. You should bottle that talent and sell it on the internet. [I’d buy some. A wear it only on special occasions.]
Thank you, Hillary, for the new addition to my wardrobe- I will be supa fly next time I’m out on the town. [And I promise to never say “supa fly” again. Or go “out on the town”, for that matter.]
Thank you, Cos and BJ, for a really fun dinner. [Cos, if you knew my remaining budget for this month, you would know how grateful I am. And I hope I spelled your name right. BJ, I hope you read this far down the post.]
Thank you, bloggites, for showing up today. [Need I remind you that you are important to me? I hope not.]
Who gets a slice of your thanks today? [Leave it in the comments.]