Seriously, how cute is this new blog design? I told y’all it was coming. It just took a little time. I wanna clap and giggle every time I see it.
Vanessa at ButterflySparks Designs made the header- she is so awesome, so if you are looking for an inexpensive redo for ye old blog, give her a holler! She is creative and artsy and all the things I dream of being. She’s the best and you should get her to make you a design. Today. For real. It’s the Fall- who doesn’t want a fresh look?
And as always, my Bloggy-Friend-To-The-Rescue, Lauren, worked her Saturday off getting everything set up all pretty like. If you’re looking for a host, she is your girl.
Happy weekend. And no, you cannot date my blog. I know she’s cute. But no.