This is a fake blog to let you know why you aren’t getting a real blog.
Because I’m busy making a list of things to write about during the month of November. There is NO grace for writer’s block in NaBloPoMo.
And I’m finishing a paper for grad school.
And I’m watching last week’s Office episode.
I’m a multi-tasker…. who makes Bs on her papers because she isn’t focused while writing.
So you probably won’t hear from me anymore this month unless something really rad happens. It’s like the calm before the storm. This is your chance to read the paper, read a book, or read the Bible. Because starting November 1st, your life is going to be blogged to the max. (But keep reading the Bible. Don’t say that Annie said you didn’t have to read the Bible in November- God won’t believe that.)
Anyone else who wants to join NaBloPoMo, just let me know and I’ll add you to the blogroll over on the right. Don’t be scared. We’re all in this together …. until someone quits.
See you next month. (That will be Thursday.)