That’s how we roll around here.
Here’s one of the reasons you are going to love my profession [and by “profession”, I mean “my attempt at being a for real author”]. Because real authors have real author friends.
As is the case today. I met Holley Gerth a few weeks ago and I knew in about 4.5 minutes that we were going to love being friends. Because she is a blogger [as evidenced here] as well as an author as well as a fun person to be around. And really, that just sounds like me someone I would like. So we chatted for a bit and then she did one of my very favorite signs of friendship- she gave me a copy of her book, Rain On Me– Devotions of Hope and Encouragement for Difficult Times.
Rain on Me is a devotional journey to help you not only survive but thrive in the storms of life. A downpour of trials can be a force that destroys and washes away hope, or it can become a tool God uses to bring healing, growth, and new life to our hearts. Through God’s Word, reflection questions, and prayers that you can personalize, these forty devotions deliver encouragement and hope, guiding you as you respond to your circumstances. Writing space is provided throughout for collecting your thoughts and concerns, prayers and praises.
I’ve kept the book in my purse since that day, reading it really any chance I got a free moment. The interesting thing is that even though I’m not going through a specific difficult time, I can SO relate to many of the chapters. She’s just a good writer like that.
And as a sign of friendship to you, sweet bloggite, Holley is going to give one of you a copy of the book too. I know, she’s such a giver. So just leave a comment and you will be entered to win the book. I’ll use the random number generator on Thursday morning to pick a winner- so you’ve got until Wednesday night at 11:59pm CST to enter.
Also, and this is where things get beauticulous, DaySpring is also offering a 20% discount on ANYTHING you buy from them before April 1st- just click over to Holley’s blog– you can download a portion of the book and see how to get that discount. [The penny pincher in me is going to buy cards for every holiday in 2009 before April 1.]
Sweet DaySpring.
In exchange for all this giving and giving, could you do me a favor? CLICK HERE and go vote for the Dove Awards- give a vote to my boys in Third Day for Artist of the Year and Mocha Club artist Addison Road for New Artist of the Year.
I think that’s a fair trade, right? Free book for someone + 20% off for everyone = 2 votes? I used to teach math for a living and I’m telling you- that is a stellar equation.
Happy Tuesday.