If you are on twitter, you probably already know about hashtags.
Let me define “hashtag” for you. On twitter, if you want to add your tweet to a search category, you would add a # sign in front of the search word. For example,

See? So if you wanted to see what people are saying about #incourage, you would click on that. So it is a very handy tool.
Until silly people get involved. Because then hashtags stop being about searching for what people are talking about and start being about humor.
Which makes me very happy.
Examples? Certainly.

And personally, I think that hilarious hashtags are taking over the world and I LOVE IT. Somehow, hashtags are also making their way into our vernacular in Nashville.
Often we will say things like,
“How about Chick-fil-A? Hashtag I’m starving” or
“I saw Brad sitting on the porch today. Hashtag stalker stuff.”
And even last night, my text conversation with my friend Amber–
me: I’m glad you have chocolate. I need chocolate. #wowtoday
Amber: #thatswhatfriendsarefor
Is this happening anywhere else? Is Twitter talk invading your real life? As long as you can speak this language, I can tell you all about my week so far.
Mocha Club #newadventureswearmeout
If this works, I’ll be a happy lady. #topsecretbookstuff
Moving to the house next door better be worth it. #tiredalready
Come on fall! #Imissfleece
My dad is the best. #birthdayweek
So…. now it is YOUR turn! Wanna play? Tell me something about your week using a hashtag. Mainly because I need some humor in my life and I’m hoping you can provide it. Also, I have a special prize [seriously] for one commenter. It’ll either be for the best use of a hashtag or I may just draw a random one. I dunno yet. But. I do know that someone is getting a prize that I’m writing about tomorrow and I’m seriously about to jump out of my skin to tell you about it. [Also, feel free to leave your twitter handle in the comments so everyone can follow your awesome.]