Sure it does.
*It for real comes in like an abominable snow man because GOOD GRAVY PETE it is cold here in Nashville. 24 degrees? No thank you, March.
*Meet my new best friend iPhone. Her name is Anita. She’s about the cutest thing goin’. I’m excited. A little bit. A lot bit. [Anita is a delayed Christmas gift… I promise I’m not spending money like this out of my own pocket.]
*I’m not even going to tell you the story where my friend Jason was officially the first person to DROP ANITA. It still makes my stomach turn to remember the sound of Anita hitting the ground.
*How’s Lent treating everybody? I seriously have been praying for each of you that left a comment saying what you were giving up for Lent. If you want to add to the list, or see what I’m doing for Lent, or just read what all your fellow bloggites are up to for the next 33-ish days, click here.
*The Bachelor. OH. MY. POOR. MELISSA. Listen, I know many of you think that the whole thing is staged and what have you, but let me just say that as my friend and I watched the show last night, I cringed. Physically cringed and covered my eyes. So if they are all faking it, they each deserve an Oscar. And every single of the zillions of pennies they earned the last 9 months. If you want a super perfect recap from my friend Sophie, click here.
*Our book club is reading In The Woods and it is AWESOME. It’s a mystery and yesterday I got so freaked out IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY that I had to quit reading. That, my friends, is some good writing. [Let me say this disclaimer: LOTS of cuss words, including the F-bomb. A LOT. So consider yourself warned and don’t read it and say, “Annie liked this book so she must say the F-bomb all the time.” No, I don’t.]
*I don’t have OCD, but I do have one OCD tendency. I worry when I leave a bathroom that I’ve forgotten to flush. So I check and recheck probably five times. Freak in da house.
*Any of you iPhoners out there? Tell me, what’s your favorite free app? And, I really wish there was something as cool as TweetDeck for Twitter (so I can separate people I follow in categories), but I haven’t found one. I love Anita, but I don’t love how she tweets. What do you guys use for Twitter on your iPhones?
*Happy Tuesday.