[First of all, I love all your thoughts from yesterday– if you haven’t gotten a chance to check out the comments, head on over. Also, if you are married and DO hang out with singles, maybe throw out some ideas for hanging with singlets. Now, for your feature presentation…..]
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I haven’t talked about my authordom lately [I made up that word, but I think it would be like an author’s kingdom or maybe… I dunno] and today isn’t the day I’m talking about it.
I will happily talk about Mary DeMuth‘s authordom. Because if it is like a kingdom, hers is large with lots of great buildings and horses and fields and probably a castle with a moat because I would bet Mary loves castles with drawbridges.
I am patiently waiting for the third book in her Defiance Texas trilogy. The first one (Daisy Chain) I read in about 35 minutes and the second one (A Slow Burn
) almost cost me some friends because it was my priority the entire time I was reading it.
Sorry, friends. It happens.
On a side note that is going to loop back around here for ya in just a minute, I am really appreciating honest people right now. People who aren’t afraid of others, or afraid of themselves, past and present.
So back to Mary’s authordom. She just released a new book titled Thin Places: A Memoir. And Mary sent it to me about a month ago. I’m just finishing with it. Because that little puppy is HONEST. Phew. I could only read a little bit each night because I found that smaller bites were more delicious. Know what I mean?
This book is Mary’s memoir of times when she felt the nearness of God. Oh. Y’all. It’s just beautiful and hard to read at points and a tear-jerker and I think I know God better now that I’m done with it. It’s not super long, so it’s not some serious investment page wise.
But Mary weaves her beautiful storytelling in with the deep places of her own life. It’s amazing. And that’s probably why they gave her such a fine authordom in the first place.
Thin Places. I think you should read it. Like, for realz.
(Part A. I will say that some of the stories are tragic and abusive and hard to read. Probs not something your teen should read without your knowledge.)
(Part 2. Mary didn’t pay me to say any of this. She did give me the book, so I guess she paid shipping costs. But I am writing all of this of my own free will, I do solemnly swear.)
(Part III. See y’all tomorrow.)