I ate dinner last night with two of my dearest friends in Jackson County. I taught and coached with the wife, and just through the years developed a ridiculously great friendship with them both.
When we became friends in 2003, they did not know the Lord. But then again, I’ve already told you the end of this story. She called me a month ago or so to say that she had accepted Christ. As I celebrated and questioned her, I asked if she was nervous about telling her husband. Her answer? “Yeah, but he prayed it 2 nights ago, so he’ll probably understand.”
You could have knocked me over with a Roman Road Tract. I was that surprised. When does that EVER happen? Y’all. God pursued this family. From the day of their births, He knew that His kindness would lead them to repentance, TWO DAYS APART. Glory be.
Last night, after the final home soccer games at JCCHS, we ate at my second favorite place, La Hacienda [better known as “The La Ha”. Yes, it is that country.] To sit at a table across from these friends and hear them talk about getting baptized was almost too much- you know I have overactive tear ducts. Our hearts connected, braided, in ways that they never have before. I could speak of things to them, deep things, that they could not know before, but now. Oh now. Their “knower” is going full force.
She kept listing people that were influential in her decision to choose Christ. I can’t tell you how many emails I plan to send this week, thanking those people. Because sometimes you need to know when you are the answer to someone else’s prayers. And they are the answers to mine.
I could not wipe the smile off my face as I drove home. I kept thinking about what God must have had to do to reach them. The lengths He was willing to go to so they would know His love. The hope that now lives in them. The NEW family heritage. The future for their kids.
And how I will never have to know life here, or in heaven, without them. A month ago, they changed their future for eternity. That is too big me to comprehend.
I have never sang so loud IN MY LIFE as I did when this Shane & Shane song come on the ole iPod, somewhere on I-85.
When I think about the Lord
How He saved me, how He raised me,
How He filled me with the Holy Ghost,
How He healed me to the uttermost.
When I think about the Lord,
How He picked me up, turned me around,
How He set my feet on solid ground.
It makes me want to SHOUT-
Thank you Jesus!
Lord, You’re worthy of all the glory, all the honor, all the praise!
Yes. Thank You, Jesus. You are so worthy of ALL the praise.
Don’t quit praying for your friends and family, the ones who don’t know Him. The ones who you think will never recognize Him.
They will, y’all. They will.
1 Peter 1:8-9
“Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.”