Friday night, I went on the best date of my Nashville life.
I’m not going to put all my former dates in order from greatest to least, because then, honestly, you would know how many dates I haven’t have been on.
So last week, my friend Fred called. Fred is dating one of my dearest friends, Katherine, and I Could. Not. Love. It. More. You know when two cute people start dating and it just causes the cutest little cloud of hearts to float all around them? Yeah, they have that. Cloudy. Majorly heart-cloudy.
Anyways, Fred called. And he and Katherine asked me to go on a date with them.
They wanted to pick me up, take me to a nice restaurant, pay for it, and just hang out with me. I didn’t blink. I didn’t pause. I said YES DUH YES!
And on Friday, we did just that. They knocked on the door, both standing there. Fred opened our car doors and held the door open at the restaurant. He had already made reservations, so we passed by the lines and lines of people [because this is THE BEST FOOD in Nashville]. We sat and laughed and serious talked and not-serious talked and three hours later, my stomach was blessed and my heart was full. Or the other way around. Whatevs.
And for those 3 hours, and about every hour since, I felt totally, unequivocally, unabashedly lovely.
As an older single lady, I don’t think Fred and Katherine had any idea what kind of deep work that one event did for my soul. Looking outside of themselves, instead of spending a romantic night alone- maybe at that same table with those same meals- they chose to love their single friend. And let me come along.
It was a great night, but more than that, it was a gift to me. An investment of hope into my heart. It was life-giving. It was a tide-turner. It was a pleasure. And it was a kindness that I hope to someday return to some single friends.
I wonder… are there single girls/single guys in YOUR life, my married friend? Do you invite him over to dinner? Do you invite her to hang out? Do you make space in your life for the 29 year old single girl in your church who loves to play with your kids and loves to talk to you but maybe needs some TLC? Or the 24 year old college dude who could really benefit from hanging with your family?
I dunno. I’m not here to put pressure on you or make you hang with people you don’t love. And maybe you, like my friends, already splash love all over the singlets in your world.
But I just had to share this story. Because an Annie could live in your town, be in your life. I don’t want you the miss the chance to step into that place with her. For her.
She’ll never forget it.