What do you blog about after you admit you have a quasi-crush on Peter Pan?
Not sure.
Oh, I forgot to tell you this….
Tuesday morning I woke up and I didn’t know what day it was. At all. I mean, I could look at my cell phone and see that it said [TUES], but I honestly could not register that my phone was correct. I started recalling what I had done the previous day and I could not for the life of me remember teaching school. I thought and thought and it never came to me.
So I got back in bed. My head was PoUnDiNg, so I figured that I would sleep it off a bit and wake up normal. I remember thinking, “If today is a school day, I really don’t have time to lay back down.”
Thirty minutes later, I realized 2 things:
#1- I had really overslept.
#2- My headache was going no where.
I get to school and do what every other teacher does in this type of situation.
Whine to the school nurse.
I explain my “symptoms”, namely the complete and total loss of short term memory, and ask her what’s wrong. Because obviously, if she is a school nurse, she knows all things.
Her response? “I bet you’re getting sick.”
No explanation. Just left it at that. She tossed me a few Advil, smiled, and then got back to typing up whatever important clinical email she was sending.
I walked out thinking she did not know what she was talking about but I wasn’t about to correct her. She gives out the Advil. Not someone to be crossed.
Low and behold. I start coming down with a cold yesterday and today, all systems are go for a full on attack. Sore throat. Itchy eyes. Achy body. Sinus pressure. Headache. Stuffy nose. All together lovely.
So I’m headed to bed a little early, getting some VERY important reading and writing done, and I’m SUPER PUMPED to tell you that the giveaway I have been hinting at for a month now is coming on MONDAY!! So make sure you head back this way and comment on the blog so you can possibly win. And bring all your friends- if ever a day to encourage your buddies to check out my blog, it’s MONDAY!!!
In the meantime, do you need something to do on Sunday? Ok, try this. The giveaway is from someone that I linked in my blogmies.
Good luck figuring it out.
And good luck not getting a cold. Please go wash your hands after reading this blog… I’ve sneezed more than once while writing this post and I would feel really bad if you caught this cold from me.
See you Monday!!