Sometimes I just wish you could come over.
Maybe I’m a lunatic, but when I type on this side of the screen, it often feels like I’m writing a letter to a friend. I think about you and think about what I want you to know and the funny stories I want to tell you and the things I want to talk about and ask you about.
Blogs can be limiting at times.
In real life, we wouldn’t talk about one topic per day. We’d talk about all sorts of things. We’d sit on my front porch drinking fruit tea (because I’m determined to learn how to make it like Baja Burrito) and conversation would flow back and forth.
I’d ask you your thoughts on Sabbath, and how we are supposed to rest when there is so much work to be done and when there are budgets to be met and when work is always there. There are always words to be written and deadlines to meet and yet, rest? How? If all I have to do is come to Him and I will find rest, why hasn’t it happened yet?
I’d tell you all about Girls of Grace ending for the season on Saturday, a great day in Grand Rapids, but how sad it is to me when anything ends and how much I am going to miss seeing my friends on a regular basis and riding for hours, down interstates I do not know, in a bus full of wonderful people as we play heads-up and laugh until it hurts.
And how much I’ll miss the ministry that Girls of Grace does and the family that we are.
I’d tell you how Pete Wilson at CrossPoint is so nailing it with the sermon series right now and we’d talk about David and Goliath and what it means to tend your sheep even after you’ve been anointed king. And we’d talk about the giants we see in our lives and how to focus on God more than the obstacles. And then you’d know, because you are seeing my face, that the giants have felt huge lately. And I’d know, by seeing your face, that the giants in your life aren’t going away yet either.
Next, I’d make sure you had read The Fault In Our Stars and because you are on my porch in Nashville, I’d say, “I mean, you’re gonna be there Thursday night, right? When we may get to meet John Green at the fan event.”
I think that dude is awesome because he is one of my favorite authors and an incredible advocate for, and a voice to, teens. Also? I’ve been a huge fan of his youtube channel since 2007. (Uh oh, my nerdiness is showing. Not ashamed. 🙂 )
But I’m scared if I meet him, I might:
- cry (60% possible)
- talk too much (80% guaranteed)
- ask a question I regret (50% sure that’ll happen)
- show him this screenshot from Amazon dating back to September 4, 2012 (99% on this one, accompanied by tears, and I’ll say something like “This was a huge day for me because I never thought my work would ever stand beside yours anywhere but on my own bookshelf.”)
And then you and I would talk about who else we respect enough that it could cause us to act like a total yahoo.
Next, I’d ask you who you would pay $250 per ticket to see in concert, in any venue of your choice. Like, what is your DREAM CONCERT. Because this is a game me and my friends play all the time and it feels right on the front porch today with fruit tea.
So what’s your answer? If you had $250 to spend on a ticket to a concert, what band would you want to see and where would the concert happen?
(I’ll put my answer in the comments today too.)
(Also. Reba would also make me act like a yahoo. For the record.)
(Double also. Thanks for coming over today. <3)