Month: January 2012

If you are single, buy this book.

It’s been a central conversation piece in about a zillion conversations in the last three weeks or so. It seems that every time a girl and I start to chat, the topic of dating arises and this book makes us gab for twenty extra minutes. Because every has read it / is reading it /

That dress.

If you have read my book, you know this already. I used to hate me.  As a teenager, I was my own worst enemy. The only thing that was worse than looking in the mirror was looking in the mirror while trying on new clothes. It was horrible. I spent many a high school shopping

I’m going to write… and tell you some other things.

Here are two short [not comprehensive] lists. Some things I am good at: – making chicken and dumplings [betcha didn’t know that.] – cheering for my favorite team until the bitter end [The Georgia Bulldogs? Have mercy.] – wearing a lot of glitter/sequins/sparkles [I am going to write an entire post about my NYE dress.