Author: Annie

So, I’m in Hawaii.

In a surprising turn of events (seriously), I’m in Hawaii. Last year, about this time, I was a part of the Bloom Conference, hosted by my sweet and wonderful friend Tiffany Thurston. This weekend, Bloom Conference is happening again. Twice as many girls, twice as much work, a billion times the excitement. I’m such a huge

The magic of labels.

My friend Harris III invited me to get coffee a few weeks ago so we could talk about the labels we believe about ourselves. Check out this video of our time together. No kidding, I was blown away. Harris III’s new book all about illusions and truth is awesome. You can get it here. Speaking

Should you (and your teen) see The Fault In Our Stars?

(Warning: this post will be a bit longer than usual but will not include any spoilers. However, I will be mentioning sex between teenagers, so my normal G rating on a blog post is gonna bump up to PG. Proceed.) I cried through the last few chapters of the book by John Green. I cried

TFIOS sneak peek!

  As you probably recall, a few weeks ago I got to meet and interview the actors from The Fault In Our Stars, a hugely popular YA novel that has now become a feature film releasing on June 6, and my favorite author/vlogger John Green. It was awesome. And I was nervous. And I learned a

Let’s hang this summer.

I love Memorial Day. It just feels full of people having a great time. And you know me, I love to have a great time. We were out on the lake all Saturday (and I do not have a sunburn thank you very much), and then we went to my favorite corner of middle Tennessee

#KenyaMocha Livestream

You guys. We had the best time on Thursday night. It was like being on The View, but I have a very very husky voice. (Medical update: I cannot figure out what the situation is, but for the last three nights, I have been coughing / hacking up a lung anytime I am horizontal and

Fun day at Mocha Club — join us?

Well here we are, our Kenya team, all except Nish and our videographer Adam. We gathered all the gals in Nashville and went to an Ingrid Michaelson concert last night. It was magical. Truly. And today, we are all at the Mocha Club office. We’re brainstorming and dreaming and skyping with New Dawn and getting ready for

These pictures made me cry.

After our team and the Mocha Club staff decided to postpone our trip to Kenya, we got an email from the Irene, the director of New Dawn. Just as a quick reminder, our goal when raising $10,000 was to be able to remodel four classrooms in the high school, making for better learning environments for the

I’m not going to Kenya today.

Ugh. I hate even typing that. But it’s true. And I’m asking you to please read this blog post from start to finish to understand why. . . . . . We aren’t going to Kenya today. The past couple weeks have seen an increase in violence in key Kenyan cities, including Nairobi, exactly where

A few notes for your weekend.

I’m just trying to take deep breaths and not forget my passport on Monday. Across all forms of communication in my life, there are lists. My phone. Pieces of paper. My brain. Lists lists lists. On every list? DON’T FORGET YOUR PASSPORT. (Seriously. If you have my phone number, will you please text me on