Author: Annie

Day 21 :: Two Free Birds

I cannot wait for tonight. A few times a year Ellie Holcomb and I get to travel together and share with crowds of gals. Ellie sings, sharing the words she has written and put to music, I chat about words words words, and then we hang on stage together and cluck like hens and answer

Day 20 :: Psalm 119:105

Every Sunday in this month, I’m going to share one verse that really has impacted me as I’ve studied and taught about the power of words. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I’m tired of human words. Today, I’m real tired. Such is the joy of a Sunday- a day of rest. I’m grateful

Day 19 :: Girls of Grace

I get to do one of my favorite things today. Stand on the Girls of Grace stage. For those who don’t know, Girls of Grace is a one day conference for teen girls and their moms/leaders. There are bands and worship and speaking and jokes and it’s awesome. We travel around the country speaking to

Day 18 :: Authors

What is it like to be an author? Well today, it means I’m sitting in a hotel room alone in Moore, Oklahoma while all my friends with the Girls of Grace tour hang out together at the church. I remind God a lot that I am way too extraverted to be an author- I’ve been

Day 17 :: Random Words of Kindness

I like the new fad of paying the person behind you in the drive thru. I feel like almost daily I’ll see someone on facebook or twitter say that they got a free coffee or Chick-fil-A biscuit because the person in front of them paid for it. You never know how that matters to someone. They

Day 16 :: Siblings

I have a mom and a dad and two younger sisters. Well, we actually have two other “sisters”””my cousins Jake and Julianne. We get to spend a lot of time with them, so we consider them our sisters. Yes, Jake is a boy, and yes, we call him our sister. And yes, we did make

Day 15 :: Single Ladies

It’s been almost two years that I’ve been blogging at (in)courage about being single. [You can scroll through the posts here.] I never wanted to write about being single. It’s not fun for me. As I said recently to a friend, when you write non-fiction for a living, there are very few curtains that remain

Day 14 :: Words by Hawk Nelson

Every Monday of October, I want to share with you a song that speaks directly about the power of words. People tweet or email or post this song to me ALL THE TIME because it is so much of what Speak Love is all about. I love love love it. “I don’t wanna say a

Day 13 :: Proverbs 16:24

Every Sunday in this month, I’m going to share one verse that really has impacted me as I’ve studied and taught about the power of words. I did a radio interview this week and the host asked, “when you are tempted to say unkind words, is there a mantra or a verse you say to

Day 12 :: Love Your Bloggers

I’ve been blogging since November of 2006. I cannot believe that in one month this little ol’ corner of the internet sky will be seven years old. I’ve written almost 1500 posts and I bet I’m not the oldest or biggest [or most consistent] blogger you read. I don’t care what size blog you have